
Using selfdestruct in Constructors

In Solidity, optimizing gas usage is crucial for creating efficient smart contracts. One technique involves using the selfdestruct function within the constructor for contracts designed for one-time use. This approach can reduce gas costs by eliminating the contract from the blockchain once its purpose is fulfilled.

Contracts are sometimes used to deploy several contracts in a single transaction. In cases where the only function of a contract is the code within the constructor, invoking selfdestruct at the end of the constructor can save gas. This is because selfdestruct removes the contract from the blockchain, thus reclaiming the storage and returning any remaining Cfx to a specified address.

Demo Code

To demonstrate this, the contract SelfDestructExample deploys another contract in its constructor and then self-destructs, optimizing gas usage.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

contract DeployedContract {
uint256 public value;

constructor(uint256 _value) {
value = _value;

contract SelfDestructExample {
constructor(uint256 _value) {
// Deploy another contract
DeployedContract newContract = new DeployedContract(_value);

// Perform any required operations here...

// Self-destruct the contract to save gas

Using selfdestruct in the Constructor

  1. Deploy another contract: In the example, the SelfDestructExample contract deploys an instance of DeployedContract in the constructor.
  2. Perform required operations: Any operations that need to be done during the deployment can be performed.
  3. Invoke selfdestruct: Finally, the selfdestruct function is called to remove the contract from the blockchain, returning any remaining Cfx to the deployer's address.

Using selfdestruct in the constructor for one-time-use contracts is a effective technique for gas optimization in Solidity, it helps in reducing gas costs and cleaning up the blockchain state.

Recommendations for gas optimization:

🌟 For contracts that only perform operations within the constructor and do not need to persist on the blockchain, use selfdestruct at the end of the constructor to save on gas costs and clean up the state.